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Auditions: Tuesday, August 27th

Callbacks: Wednesday, August 28th

All those interested in auditioning for the Fall Play are welcome! Please follow the steps below in order to successfully sign-up and prepare for your audition:

  1. Review the audition materials linked below, this includes:

    1. The play synopsis and character descriptions​

    2. The rehearsal calendar

      1. Any time conflict can be listed on your audition form and, if necessary, you can email Mrs. Bieser and/or Mr. Mueller with any concerns. 

      2. Please don't refrain from auditioning due to potential time conflicts without talking to Mrs. Bieser and/or Mr. Mueller first. We do our best to support students who participate in other athletics/activities.

    3. The audition sides

      1. You do not need to be memorized but it is strongly encouraged that you are familiar with the sides so you can give your best performance.​

      2. IMPORTANT! Those interested in Wadsworth should take extra caution to be very familiar, if not memorized, with his rampage on page 64.

  2. Complete and submit the audition form linked below

    1. While filling out the form, you will be asked to note any time conflicts with the rehearsal calendar as well as to sign-up for your audition time slot!

      1. If you need to change you audition time for any reason, please email Mr. Mueller ( with the subject line "Audition Time Slot".

  3. Arrive for your audition at least 5 minutes early​​

    1. When you arrive at your audition, you will check-in outside the auditorium.

    2. Please wear all black with you hair out of your face.

    3. The directors will ask you to read as one or multiple of the characters from the provided audition sides alongisde other people in your audition block.

    4. Once everyone has gone and the directors feel as they have seen enough, you will be dismissed.​

  4. Wait for the callback list

    1. The callback list and materials will be posted here on Tuesday, August 27th. We will also post the callback list on our Instagram page (@lovelandhstheatre).

    2. Those who receive a call back must attend callbacks directly after school on Wednesday, August 28th. We will be starting right at 3:50 pm so please hurry!

      1. IMPORTANT! Just because you do not receive a call back does NOT mean you will not be casted. The directors are often able to cast several parts without a callback so please make sure to keep an eye out for the cast list (which will be posted here, as well as on our homepage and our Instagram page)!

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