Welcome to the Loveland High School
Performing Arts Boosters!
About the LHSPA Boosters
The object and the purpose of the Association shall be to serve as a parent-teacher organization; to promote ways and means of providing for the needs of the Loveland High School Performing Arts Programs, above those supplied by the Thompson R2J School District. The Association shall seek neither to direct the administrative activities of the Performing Arts Programs nor control its policies. Rather, the Association shall support the programs and policies recommended by the Director/s of The Performing Arts. The role of the association in no way is intended to override the artistic and professional decisions makings of the Performing Arts Directors at Loveland High School hired by the Thompson School District.
Membership in the Loveland High School Band Performing Arts Boosters benefits the LHS Performing Arts Programs and the students in many ways. We encourage parents, adult family members (e.g. grandparents, aunts, uncles), friends and alumni to join in and provide active support. The boosters raises funds through several fundraising activities throughout the year. These fundraisers need volunteers to help run and manage them. Without volunteers the Performing Arts Programs would not be able to raise the funds that are needed to maintain the excellence of these programs. We encourage you to attend the meetings, and become involved in the boosters.
Parent and adult participation through volunteering provides critical support to the directors. The boosters handle many tasks such as: meals, decorations, ticket sales, etc — allowing the directors to focus their attention on the students and instruction. Volunteers are able to spend time with the students and admire first hand their progress and development.
Your booster membership is an important element of several fundraising activities that support the performing arts programs throughout the school year. Fundraisers help offset the rising costs of maintaining the Performing Arts Programs of Loveland High School.
We raise money to purchase and pay for needs for the Performing Arts Programs above any beyond budget items. This may include but is not limited to copyrights for plays and musicals, transportation to performances and competitions, financial assistance to students, Choir Council and Drama Troupe special events, and costumes for Choirs, Plays, and Musicals. .
LHSPA Booster Memberhsip:
We are so happy to have you join us! LHS Performing Arts Boosters was formed so as to support ALL LHS Choir and Theatre Opportunities. This is a community that cares about the students and directors in these programs and we'd LOVE for you to join us!
Those who meet the following criteria are automatically made members of the LHSPA Boosters:
Students involved in the Performing Arts Programs (not limited to but including Auditioned Choirs and Cast of Dramatic Plays, etc.) at Loveland High School in Loveland, Colorado;
Parent(s) and legal guardian(s) of the students involved in the Performing Arts Programs (not limited to but including Auditioned Choirs and Cast of Dramatic Plays, etc.) at Loveland High School in Loveland, Colorado;
The following are individuals in the community that elgible to join as well!
Alumni of the Performing Arts Programs at Loveland High School in Loveland, Colorado;
Parent(s) and legal guardian(s) of current students involved in non-audition choirs and theater/drama classes at Loveland High School in Loveland, Colorado;
Parent(s) and legal guardian(s) of alumni of the Performing Arts Programs at Loveland High School in Loveland, Colorado;
Teachers at Loveland High School in Loveland, Colorado;
Interested community members